Introduction of an Android Technology

Android is a stack of software for mobile devices which includes an Operating System, middleware and some key applications.

The application executes within its own process and its own instance of Dalvik Virtual Machine.

Following are some components of the architecture of android application : 

i) Services - It will perform background functionalities.

ii) Intent - It will perform the inter connection between activities and the data processing mechanism. For ex: if we want to go from one page to another page then we can use Intent method.

              -Following are the two types of Intent:
                1. Explicit Intent : We can call another activity in android by explicit intent.
                2. Implicit Intent : Implicit doesn't specify the component, in such case intent                                                      provides information of available components provided by the                                                  system that is to be called.

iii) Resource - In that resource we have strings and graphics of the project.

iv) Content Provider - It will share the data between applications.

v) Activity - It performs actions on the screen. If you want to do any operations we can do with activity.

Following diagram shows the architecture of android application :

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